Skin Resources
Skin Disorders and Diseases
American Academy of Dermatology
Includes topics such as: The Nail File, Acne: Help is Here, Take the "Bite" Out of Summer, The ABCDs of Skin Cancer, Sun Safety 101, Psoriasis: The "Dry Skin" Disease, What's that Rash, Run, Spot, Run!, Trouble Under Foot, For Athletes Only, Help for Head Lice, How Dry I am, Pesky Poisonous Plants, "Oil" Washed Up, Face Facts, Beware of Warts, Skin Care for African-Americans, "Hand"-le with Care, Soothe Sensitive Skin, Stamp Out scabies, Vitiligo: The Pigment Problem, Atopic Eczema: Ditch the Itch!
Pamphlets on Dermatologic Topics
Includes pamphlets you can read online or order.
Individual topics are grouped in areas such as:
Teen Pack (8 pamplets including one on Tattoos and Body Piercing)
Cosmetic Surgery Pack (9 pamphlets including one on Botulinum Toxin)
Sun Safety Pack (6 pamplets)
Skin Reaction Pack (7 pamplets)
Hair and Nails Pack (5 pamplets)
And Numerous Additional Pamphlets
Human Skin Color
Encyclopedia article from Wikipedia on the cause of variation in skin color and the distribution of skin color types globally.
Learn to Spot Melanoma
What is Melanoma? (side bar also has link to video entitled "Skin Cancer Explained")
Slide Show: Melanoma pictures to help identify skin cancer
Merckel cell carcinoma
Lee Thomas's website about living with vitiligo
White spots on nails
White spots on nails