Chapter 17 [11th edition] – Study Guide

[note: this corresponds to chapter 16 if you have the old 10th edition]


(NOTE: be able to label anatomical parts on a diagram & know their functions)



olfactory epithelium – in superior nasal cavity

CN I = olfactory nerve



papillae with taste buds

                vallate – large circular elevations

                                V-shaped row at back of tongue

                                100-300 taste buds / papillae

                fungiform – mushroom shaped elevations

                                scattered all over tongue

                                5 taste buds / papillae

papillae without taste buds

                filiform – contain tactile receptors

                                increase friction between tongue & food

                                make it easier for tongue to move food



upper eyelid (upper palpebra)

lower eyelid (lower palpebra)

palpebral conjunctiva

bulbar conjunctiva

lacrimal glands

lacrimal sac



ciliary body

ciliary muscle


                bright light – pupil constricts – parasympathetic

                dim light – pupil dilates – sympathetic


optic disc


                rods – low light threshold - allow dim light vision

                                shades of gray

                                120 million rods / retina

                cones – high light threshold - allow bright light vision

                                color vision

                                6 million cones / retina

central fovea

blind spot


anterior chamber

posterior chamber

aqueous humor

vitreous chamber

vitreous body

aging – lens looses elasticity – ability to accommodate decreases

myopia – nearsightedness

hyperopia – farsightedness

rhodopsinphotopigment found in rods

                retinal – derivative of vitamin A

                                cis-retinal in darkness converts to

                                trans-retinal when light absorbed

cone pigments – 3 types differ in the wavelength of light that is most effectively absorbed

color blindness – absence or deficiency of one of the three cone pigments

                                causing an inherited inability to distinguish between certain colors



auricle (pinna)

external auditory canal

eardrum or tympanic membrane

middle ear

auditory ossicles

                malleus – hammer

                incus – anvil

                stapes – stirrup

eustachian tube

inner ear

basilar membrane

spiral organ – organ of Corti

sound waves

                frequency – pitch

                                Hertz (Hz)

                size or amplitude - intensity

                                decibels (dB)

if given the steps in the hearing pathway be able to arrange them in sequence



static equilibrium

dynamic equilibrium

vestibular apparatus



semicircular canals


maculae – located in utricle and saccule

                receptors for static equilibrium and linear acceleration and deceleration

crista – located in ampula of semicircular ducts

                receptors for rotational acceleration or deceleration