Chapter 14 – Study Guide

For all brain regions / structures (such as medulla or hypothalamus):

be able to identify them on a picture

EXCEPTION: the only cranial nerves you need to identify on a picture are CNI & CNII

                (I won’t ask you to identify CNIII – CNXII on a picture)

know their function

                (know functions as a “package” – I won’t ask about individual functions in isolation from other functions)


For all the cranial nerves – know which numbers and names go together (example: CNVII = facial nerve)

                and know the function(s) of each cranial nerve











brain blood flow

                continuous oxygen supply needed

                continuous glucose supply needed

blood brain barrier

                permeable to: lipid substances

                permeable to: some water soluble substances by active transport

                impermeable to: proteins & antibiotics

lateral ventricles

third ventricle

fourth ventricle

choroid plexus

circulation of CSF

                starting in the lateral ventricles know what structures in what order CSF passes through

arachnoid villus

normally:                CSF production = CSF reabsorbtion



brainstem – medulla, pons, & midbrain

medulla oblongata (medulla)

                relays impulses between brain & spinal cord

                contains cardiovascular center – regulates heart beat, blood vessel diameter

                contains medullary rhythmicity center – regulates breathing rhythm


                relays impulses between R & L cerebellum

                relays impulses between medulla & midbrain

                helps control breathing


                relays impulses from cerebral cortex to pons

                relays impulses from spinal cord to thalamus

                coordinates movements of eyeballs in response to visual & other stimuli

                coordinates movements of head & trunk in response to auditory stimuli


                compares intended movements to actual movements

                helps smooth & coordinate complex skilled movements

                regulates posture & balance

diencephalon – extends from brainstem to cerebrum & surrounds 3rd ventricle

                includes thalamus, hypothalamus


                major relay station for most sensory impulses to cerebral cortex

                provides crude perception of touch, pressure, pain, temp

                includes nuclei involved in movement planning and control


                controls & integrates activities of autonomic nervous system & pituitary gland

                regulates emotional & behavioral patterns

                regulates circadian rhythms

                controls body temperature

                regulates eating and drinking

                helps regulate sleep/wake cycle

                produces hormones (oxytocin & ADH – AntiDiuretic Hormone)


                “seat of intelligence”

                provides ability to read, write, speak, remember, plan, imagine

                corpus callosum

                cerebral cortex




                longitudinal fissure

                central sulcus

                frontal lobe

                parietal lobe

                temporal lobe

                occipital lobe

precentral gyrus

                postcentral gyrus

                association areas – complex integrative functions

                somatosensory association area

                                determine shape & texture by feel

                                determine orientation of object

                                sense relationship of body parts to each other

                premotor area – control skilled movements (of complex & sequential nature)

basal ganglia – regulate initiation & termination of movements, regulate muscle tone

limbic system – functions in emotional aspects of behavior related to survival

CNI – olfactory nerve – smell

CNII – optic nerve – vision

CNIII – oculomotor nerve

                movement of upper eyelid

                movement of eyeball

                accommodation of lens for near vision

                constriction of pupil

CNIV – trochlear nerve – movement of eyeball

CNV – trigeminal nerve – touch, pain, temperature over much of face – chewing

CNVI – abducens nerve – movement of eyeball

CNVII – facial nerve – taste, facial expression, secretion of saliva, secretion of tears

CNVIII – vestibulocochlear nerve – equilibrium, hearing

CNIX – glossopharyngeal nerve


                touch, pain, temperature – posterior 1/3 of tongue

                monitoring BP, O2, CO2

                swallowing, speech

                secretion of saliva

CNX – vagus nerve


                touch, pain, temperature, proprioception – epiglottis, pharynx

                monitoring BP, O2, CO2

                breathing rate & depth

                sensation from visceral organs

CNXI – accessory nerve – swallowing movements, movement of head & shoulders

CNXII – hypoglossal nerve – movement of tongue – speech & swallowing