Chapter 13 – Study Guide


spinal cord


pia mater

arachnoid mater

dura mater

subarachnoid space

subdural space

epidural space

the spinal cord extends to L2 (adults)

cauda equina

31 pairs of spinal nerves

anterior or ventral root

posterior or dorsal root

posterior or dorsal root ganglion


gray matter

white matter

anterior (ventral) gray horns

                motor neurons cell bodies and motor nuclei

posterior (dorsal) gray horns

                sensory nuclei


sensory (ascending) tracts

motor (descending) tracts


spinal reflex

cranial reflex

reflex arc

                sensory receptor

                sensory neuron

integrating center

motor neuron


somatic reflex

autonomic (visceral) reflex

stretch reflex

muscle spindles

posterior (dorsal) ramus

anterior (ventral) ramus

cervical plexus – supplies what region of the body?

phrenic nerve

brachial plexus – supplies what region of the body?

lumbar plexus – supplies what region of the body?

sacral plexus – supplies what region of the body?

sciatic nerve

intercostal or thoracic nerves
