Lab Handouts
Select the Lab you need handouts for from the list below.
Click on the link for that lab to get to a webpage with downloadable / printable handouts.
Page 1: AnteriorSkull, Superior Skull, Posterior Skull, Fetal Skull
Page 2: Lateral Skull, Mandible
Page 3: Sagittal Skull, Hyoid Bone
Page 4: Inferior Skull, Cranial Floor
Page 1: Cervical Vertebrae,Thoracic Vertebrae
Page 2: Lumbar Vertebrae, Sacral Vertebrae
Page 3: Ribcage, Rib/Vertebra articulations
Page 1: Shoulder Girdle, Scapula
Page 2: Anterior Upper Limb
Page 3: Posterior Upper Limb
Page 1: Pelvis
Page 2: Entire Lower Limb
Page 3: Anterior Femur, Tibia, Fibula
Page 4: Posterior Femur, Tibia, Fibula
Page 5: Foot
NEW - Spring 2015
Page 1: Report form for recording range of motion in a student lab partner as measured with a goniometer
Page 2: Measuring Shoulder Flexion and Shoulder Extension
Page 3: Measuring Shoulder Abduction and Elbow Flexion
Page 4: Measuring Wrist Flexion and Wrist Extension
Page 5: Measuring Ulnar Deviation and Radial Deviation
Six muscles for movement at the shoulder - NEW - Fall 2014
Page 1: Epithelial vs Connective Tissues
Page 2: Simple Epithelial Tissues
Page 3: Stratified Epithelial Tissues
Page 4: Cartilage
Page 5: Dense Connective Tissues
Page 6: Loose Connective Tissues
Page 1: simple squamous epithelium, simple cuboidal epithelium, simple columnar epithelium
Page 2: stratified squamous epithelium, transitional epithelium, pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Page 3: areolar connective tissue, adipose, reticular connective tissue
Page 4: dense regular connective tissue, dense irregular connective tissue, elastic connective tissue
Page 5: hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage
Page 6: second chance page (opportunity for do-overs of mistakes)
One page on which you will draw what you see when examining Bone: Ground (Human)
One page on which you will draw what you see when examining three microscope slides:
Nerve: Medullated (teased)
Nerve: Medullated (osmic acid)
Spinal Cord:Motor Nerve (ox)
One page on which you will draw what you see when examining three microscope slides:
Muscle: striated (c.s. and l.s.)
Heart: intercalated discs
Muscle: Smooth (thin sec)
Page1:Deep Tendon Reflexes: Biceps, Triceps, Patellar, Achilles/Ankle
Page 1: One Page Report
Page 2: Guide to completing the neurologic evaluation and report Page 1
Page 3: Guide to completing the neurologic evaluation and report Page 2
Page 4: Guide to completing the neurologic evaluation and report Page 3
Page 1: Atrovent, Proventil, Sudafed
Page 2: Detrol LA, Urecholine, Corgard, Cogentin
Page 3: Norflex, Tenex, Inderal
Sheep Brain Dissection
(I provide laminated - reusable labeled photos of sheep brains)
Vision Exercises
(I provide laminated - reusable pictures for demonstrating blind spot, checking for color blindness etc.)