Guide to Internet Resources
related to
Nervous Tissue
Resting Membrane Potential
by Lisa Johnson-DiMarco
Duration 8:51
Posted: Nov 15, 2014
Views > 260,000 (when accessed 9/3/20)
phospholipid bilayer, hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions of phospholipids, extracellular and intracellular environments, movement by diffusion, cation, anion, electrical gradient, chemical gradient, sodium and potassium distribution across membrane, polarization of membranes, charges on both sides, channel proteins, potassium channels, sodium channels, leaky potassium channels, leaky sodium channels, sodium/potassium pump
charges on inside and outside, voltage difference = resting membrane potential, average intracellular reading, sodium and potassium gradients, differential permeability of membrane to potassium and sodium, sodium/potassium pumps,
Neuron Membrane Physiology 2
by Lisa Johnson-DiMarco
Duration: 9:01
Posted: Nov 16, 2014
Views > 2,000 (when accessed 9/3/20)
resting membrane potential measured by voltmeter, sodium and potassium leaky channels, sodium/potassium pump, gated channel proteins, chemically gated channels = receptor binds ligand, voltage gated channels
[list of terms students should review in textbook:
resting state, depolarization, hyperpolarization, threshold, repolarization, refractory period, all or none phenomenon]
Voltage-gated sodium channels
axon hillock, initial segment of axon, opening of voltage gated channels, threshold stimulus, phase 1: depolarization, THEN inactivation gates of sodium close, potassium gates open beginning phase 2: repolarization, phase 3: hyperpolarization
Events of resting state
Events of depolarization
Events or repolarization
Events of hyperpolarization / refractory period
Action Potential in the Neuron
by Harvard Extension School
Duration: 13:11
Posted: Mar 26, 2018
Views > 579,000 (when accessed 9/3/20)
neuron: dendrites, cell body, axon, axon terminal,
nerve, action potential, neuron firing, unequal distribution of ions, neuron at rest: sodium and potassium distribution, chemical gradient, electrical gradient, electrochemical gradient, membrane potential, -70mV = resting membrane potential, ions need proteins to cross membranes, ion channels, voltage gated channels, ligand gated channels, mechanically gated channels, voltage gated sodium channels, voltage gated potassium channels, graded potential, sodium potassium pump, axon hillock, threshold voltage -55mV, 3 states of voltage gated sodium channels: open + closed + inactivated, depolarization, overshoot, voltage gated potassium channels, repolarization, hyperpolarization, absolute refractory period, relative refractory period, all or nothing action potentials, frequency of action potentials, myelin sheaths, saltatory conduction, Schwann cells, nodes of Ranvier, oligodendrocytes
Action Potentials in Neurons, Animation
by Alila Medical Media
Duration: 6:30
Posted: Apr 25, 2016
Views > 597,000 (when accessed 9/8/20)
Covers: dendrites, axon, nerve impulses = action potentials, polarized membranes, resting membrane potential, concentration gradients of sodium and potassium, sodium potassium pump, ligand gated sodium channels, depolarization, summation of signals at axon hillock, trigger zone, voltage gated ion channels, threshold, sodium channels, potassium channels, hyperpolarization, absolute refractory period, relative refractory period, action potential propagation in one direction
How a synapse works
by HarvardX
Duration: 5:01
Posted: Apr 19, 2017
Views > 64,000 (when accessed 9/8/20)
Covers: receiving input - dendrites
sending output - end of axon
synapse = connection between axon of one cell -> dendrite of another
electrical synapse = pores between two cells - similar to combining 2 cells into 1
chemical synapse = chemical released into synaptic cleft and received by second cell
Nerve Synapse Animation
by O2Labz
Duration: 4:54
Posted: Jan 10, 2018
Views > 40,000 (when accessed 9/8/20)
EPSPs do NOT cause an action potential in the dendrite of the postsynaptic cell
EPSPs may lead to an action potential in the axon of the postsynaptic cell
action potentials conduct towards axon terminal
synapse = presynaptic membrane + synaptic cleft + postsynaptic membrane
voltage gated calcium channels, vesicles fuse with presynaptic membrane, neurotransmitter molecules enter synaptic cleft, neurotransmitters bind to receptors in postsynaptic membrane, channels open
excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP)
inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP)
neurotransmitter removal from cleft by:
1) diffusion, 2) enzymatic degradation, 3) recycling
examples: serotonin, acetylcholine
Chemical Synapse Animation
by retwedt
Duration: 1:13
Posted: Dec 17, 2013
Views > 230,000 (when accessed 9/8/20)
Covers: chemical synapse = special junction between 2 neurons allowing communication without physical connection, presynaptic terminal, postsynaptic terminal membrane, synaptic cleft, voltage gated calcium channels, synaptic vesicles release neurotransmitters via exocytosis, acetylcholine, ligand gated sodium channel, depolarization in postsynaptic cell
How Neurons Communicate
Duration: 1:18
Posted: Jan 26, 2018
Views > 172,000 (when accessed 9/8/20)
Covers: neurons communicate with each other,
action potentials travel along a neuron, chemical message crosses a synapse and can trigger or quiet the message in the subsequent neuron, repeated activity strengthens connections
Neuroscience Basics: Neuroglia Functions, Animation.
by Alila Medical Media
Duration 3:13
Posted: Mar 20, 2017
Views > 64,000 (when accessed 9/8/20)
Covers: neurons, glial/glial cells
oligodendrocytes create myelin sheath
microglia = special macrophages
astrocytes provide supportive frameworks, supply nutrients, produce growth factors, induce formation of tight junctions in cells forming part of the the blood brain barrier, help maintain chemical composition of ECF, help remove neurotransmitters from synaptic spaces, absorb potassium ions, modify signals between neurons
glial cells continue to divide throughout life and are the primary source of brain tumors
INSANE Domino Tricks! (Hevesh5 & MillionenDollarBoy)
by Hevesh5
Duration: 3:53
Posted: Nov 10, 2013
Views > 136,149,000 (when accessed 9/8/20)
When some dominoes fall they cause additional dominoes to fall.
When some voltage gated sodium channels open they cause additional voltage gated sodium channels to open.
See if watching this video of falling dominoes helps you understand the analogy between the two processes mentioned above.
500,000 Dominoes - The Year in Domino - 3 Guiness World Records
by Sinners Domino Entertainment
Duration: 12:15
Posted: Oct 18, 2014
Views > 43,729,000 (when accessed 9/8/20)
I am most interested in the opening sequence of this video.
A ball is dropped into the middle of a circular field of dominoes resulting in a wave of falling dominoes in all directions. When an action potential is started at one point in an excitable membrane, it will similarly propagate in all directions.
The Schwann Cell and Action Potential
by JCCCvideo
Duration 5:06
Posted: Jun 25, 2009
Views > 423,000 (when accessed 1/22/2021)
CORRECTION: sometimes the text on the screen contains incorrectly spelled words such as:
Scwann cell which should be Schwann cell
myelen which should be myelin
Covers: Schwann cell, development of neurolemma and myelin sheath, fluid mosaic model, nodes of Ranvier, action potential, membrane voltage changes, sodium gates, potassium gates, sodium-potassium pump, passage of action potential from node to node, speed of propagation in myelinated and unmyelinated axons compared