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Joints and Motions

The 6 Types of Joints - Human Anatomy for Artists
by Proko
Duration: 10:50
Posted: Dec 29, 2014
Views > 1,872,000 (when accessed 8/02/2020)
Covers: synovial joints - shapes & movements
Hinge joint - 1 axis of motion
example: elbow: flexion + extension
Pivot joint - 1 axis of motion
example: radius/ulna: pronation + supination
Ball and socket joint - all axes
examples: hip + shoulder: flexion + extension + abduction + adduction + rotation + circumduction
Ellipsoid joint - 2 axes pf motion
example: wrist/radiocarpal joint: flexion + extension + abduction + adduction + circumduction (but no rotation)
Saddle joint 
example: carpometacarpal joint of the thumb:
flexion + extension + abduction + adduction + circumduction (very slightly rotate)
Plane joint -
examples: between carpals, between tarsals, acromioclavicular joint: glide + rotate

Assignments: Find joints on yourself
Draw the joints as simple versions

Types of joints in the human body - Anatomy & Examples I Kenhub
by Kenhub - Learn Human Anatomy
Duration: 11:36
Posted: Aug 28, 2019
Views > 95,000 (when accessed 8/02/2020)
Structural Classification: 
Synovial joint - articular capsule, articular surfaces, articular cartilage, articular discs, bursae
ball and socket joint, hinge joint, pivot joint, condylar joint, saddle joint, plane joint
Fibrous joint - little or no motility
sutures, gomphoses, syndesmoses
Cartilaginous joint
synchondroses (hyaline cartilage)
symphyses (fibrocartilage)
Mobility Classification:
Diarthrosis - freely movable (all synovial joints)
Amphiarthrosis - slightly mobile (example: pubic symphysis, syndesmosis)
Synarthrosis - immobile joint (example: coronal suture, gomphosis, synchondrosis)
Range of motion classification:
axes of movement: sagittal, frontal, vertical
uniaxial joints (hinge + pivot)
biaxial joints (condylar + saddle)
polyaxial or multiaxial joints (ball and socket)

ball and socket joint motions hip and shoulder joints
hinge joint motions knee and elbow joints
pivot joint motion atlantoaxial joint
condylar joint motions radiocarpal joint/wrist joint
saddle joint motions carpometacarpal joint of thumb
plane joint motion acromioclavicular joint

joint stability vs mobility:
​degree of contact between articular surfaces
​presence of ligaments
tone of surrounding muscles

Introduction to anatomy - Movement. Anatomy made Fun. Exams made Easy!
by thefunkyprofessor 
Duration: 8:51
Posted: Sep 9, 2019
Views > 111,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
shoulder: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction
internal / medial rotation, external / lateral rotation
circumduction, pronation, supination
wrist: flexion of wrist, extension of wrist, lateral / radial deviation or abduction, ulna deviation or adduction
hand: finger flexion and extension, abduction of fingers, adduction of fingers
thumb: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, opposition

(interruption by advertisement)

hip joint: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, external rotation, circumduction
knee joint: flexion, extension
ankle joint: extension / dorsiflexion, flexion / plantar flexion
foot: inversion, eversion
toes: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction

Easiest Way to Remember Movement Terms I Corporis
by Corporis
Duration: 8:37
Posted: Sep 19, 2019
Views > 123,000 (when accessed 8/5/20)
anatomical position 
abduction, adduction, finger abduction, adduction
radial deviation = wrist abduction
ulnar deviation = wrist adduction
flexion, extension
medial rotation / internal rotation
lateral rotation / external rotation
supination, pronation
dorsiflexion, plantar flexion
inversion, eversion
elevation, depression, protraction, retraction
active motion, passive motion, resisted motion

Goniometric Assessment of the Upper Extremity
by icmbradshaw
Duration: 13:05
Posted: Sep 26, 2012
Views > 29,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020) 

Covers: How to use a goniometer to measure range of motion - demonstrated by students from Tennessee State University Occupational Therapy students class of 2012 
(0:13) shoulder flexion
(1:01) shoulder extension
(1:40) shoulder abduction and adduction
(2:42) shoulder external rotation
(3:20) shoulder internal rotation
(4:07) shoulder horizontal abduction
(4:48) shoulder horizontal adduction
(5:27) elbow flexion and extension
(6:17) forearm supination
(7:02) forearm pronation
(7:48) wrist flexion
(8:24) wrist extension
(8:59) ulnar deviation
(9:33) radial deviation
(10:07) finger abduction and adduction
(10:51) finger flexion and extension
(11:42) thumb CMC abduction
(12:22) thumb CMC extension

Shoulder Anatomy Animated Tutorial
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 6:52
Posted: Aug 12, 2012
Views > 3,068,000 (when accessed 8/7/2020)
Covers: humerus, scapula, clavicle, acromion
glenohumeral joint: ball of humerus + glenoid
acromioclavicular (AC) joint: clavicle + acromion
sternoclavicular (SC) joint, scapulothoracic joint
articular cartilage, joint capsule, AC joint ligaments, coracoclavicular ligaments, glenoid labrum, biceps tendons, rotator cuff muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis, rotator cuff tendon, deltoid muscle, axilla, radial nerve, ulnar nerve, median nerve, axillary nerve, axillary artery, bursa

Elbow Anatomy Animated Tutorial
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 7:33
Posted: Aug 5, 2012
Views > 714,000 (when accessed 8/7/2020)
Covers: humerus, ulna, radius, radial head, capitellum, articular cartilage, joint capsule, synovial fluid, medial collateral ligament, lateral collateral ligament, annular ligament, biceps tendon, biceps muscle, triceps tendon, triceps muscle, lateral epicondyle, medial epicondyle, medial "flexor" tendons, lateral "extensor" tendons, tendonitis / tendonosis, radial nerve, ulnar nerve, median nerve, cubital tunnel, nerve entrapment / nerve compression syndromes, brachial artery, ulnar artery, radial artery

Hand Anatomy Animated Tutorial
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 11:03
Posted: Oct 14, 2012
Views > 896,000 (when accessed 8/7/2020)
palmar side, dorsal side, radial side, ulnar side carpal bones, radius, ulna, metacarpals, phalanges metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints, interphalangeal (IP) joints, proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints, distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints
articular cartilage
 collateral ligaments, volar plate
thenar eminence, hypothenar eminence 
abductor policis brevis, flexor policis brevis, abductor policis brevis, adductor policis, opponens policis, intrinsic muscles, extensor tendons, extensor muscles, extensor hood, central slip, 
flexor tendons, flexor muscles, carpal tunnel, flexor superficialis, flexor profundus, pulleys, flexor policis longus muscle + tendon, flexor policis brevis muscle + tendon
radial nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerve, guyon's canal, pisiform, hamate, digital nerves
radial artery, ulnar artery, palmar arch

Hip Anatomy Animated Tutorial
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 9:44
Posted: Aug 5, 2012
Views > 1,294,000 (when accessed 8/7/2020)
femur, pelvis
femoral head, acetabulum, femoral neck, greater trochanter
articular cartilage
ligaments, joint capsule, ligamentum teres, artery to part of femoral head, iliotibial band, labrum
gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, adductor muscles
iliopsoas, rectus femoris, quadriceps muscles, sartorius, external rotators, hamstring muscles
femoral nerve, sciatic nerve, obturator nerve, femoral artery
profunda femoris, circumflex arteries
greater trochanteric bursa, trochanteric bursitis, iliopsoas bursa, iliopsoas bursitis, 
ischial bursitis

Knee Anatomy Animated Tutorial
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 10:56
Posted: Aug 15, 2012
Views > 2,154,000 (when accessed 8/7/2020)
medial, lateral, anterior, posterior
femur, tibia, fibula, patella (kneecap)
synovial joint, knee joint capsule, synovial fluid, femoral condyles
lateral and medial tibial plateaus
patellofemoral groove
articular cartilage, ligaments
medial collateral ligament (MCL)
lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
medial meniscus, lateral meniscus
tendons, quadriceps tendon, patellar tendon, hamstring muscles and tendons
extensor mechanism: patella + patellar tendon + quadriceps tendon + quadriceps muscles
tibial nerve, common peroneal nerve, sciatic nerve
popliteal artery and vein

Ankle Anatomy Animated Tutorial
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 6:40
Posted: Aug 5, 2012
Views > 791,000 (when accessed 8/8/2020)
Covers: dorsal surface, plantar surface, lateral side, lateral malleolus, medial side, medial malleolus
tibia, fibula, talus, calcaneus
dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, mortise + tenon joint
articular cartilage
ligaments, tendons, collagen fibers, lateral ligament complex, anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, posterior talofibular ligament, deltoid ligament, ankle syndesmosis, anterior inferior tobiofibular ligament, posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, transverse ligament, interosseus ligament, joint capsule, achilles tendon, gastrocnemius muscle, soleus muscle, posterior tibial tendon, posterior tibialis muscle, anterior tibial tendon, anterior tibialis muscle, peroneal tendons, peroneal muscles, peroneal longus tendon, peroneal brevis tendon
posterior tibial nerve, deep peroneal nerve, superficial peroneal nerve
dorsalis pedis artery, posterior tibial artery

Foot Anatomy Animated Tutorial
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 8:00
Posted: Sep 17, 2012
Views > 1,192,000 (when accessed 8/8/2020)
Covers: ankle joint, mortise and tenon joint
tibia, fibula, talus, hindfoot, calcaneus, subtalar joint, 
tarsal bones, locked and unlocked tarsal bones, metatarsals, tarsometatarsal joints, phalanges, interphalangeal (IP) joints
metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, ball of foot, hallux, 1st MTP joint
ligaments, tendons, collagen, achilles tendon, posterior tibial tendon, anterior tibial tendon, lateral malleolus, peroneal tendons, flexor tendons, extensor tendons, joint capsules
gastrocnemius and soleus muscles
peroneal muscles, posterior tibialis muscle, anterior tibialis muscle
extensor brevis muscles, plantar muscles
posterior tibial nerve, medial malleolus
superficial peroneal nerve, deep peroneal nerve, sural nerve
posterior tibial artery, arch
dorsalis pedis artery

Cervical Spine Anatomy
by Randale sechrest
Duration: 7:12
Posted: Jan 18, 2014
Views > 606,000 (when accessed 8/8/2020)
cervical spine
spinal cord
anterior, posterior
vertebra, spinal column
C1-C7, C1 = atlas
bone projections
C2 = axis, dens 
vertebral body, pedicle, lamina, spinal canal, spinous processes, transverse processes, transverse foramen, 
facet joint, articular cartilage, neural foramen, spinal canal, nerve roots
ligaments, anterior longitudinal ligament, posterior longitudinal ligament, ligamentum flavum, joint capsule
intervertebral disc, nucleus pulposus, annulus fibrosis
anterior cervical muscles, posterior cervical muscles
spinal segment: 2 vertebra + disc + 2 nerve roots + 2 facet joints

Lumbar Spine Anatomy
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 5:31
Posted: Aug 10, 2012
Views > 813,000 (when accessed 8/8/2020)
vertebra, spinal column
cervical spine, thoracic spine curve = kyphosis, lumbar spine curve = lordosis
L1-L5, sacrum, sacroliliac (SI) joint
vertebral body, bony ring, spinal canal
spinal cord, cauda equina, nerve roots, nerves, lumbar nerve roots, lumbar nerve distribution, thoracic nerve distribution, cervical nerve distribution
spinal segment: 2 vertebra + intervertebral disc + 2 nerve roots + 2 facet joints
intervertebral disc: nucleus pulposus + annulus fibrosus
facet joint, synovial joint, articular cartilage, neural foramen 
lumbar ligaments, lumbar muscles, superficial layer of muscles, fascia, middle layer of muscles, deep layer of muscles

Artificial Hip Replacement - Anterior Approach
by Randale Sechrest
Duration 6:23
Posted: Oct 22, 2012
Views > 96,000 (when accessed 8/8/2020)
Covers: artificial hip replacement = hip arthroplasty
hip prosthesis, cemented prosthesis, uncemented prosthesis, acetabular component, femoral component, anterior approach, incision, hip capsule incision, dislocation of femoral head, removal of femoral head, reamer used to shape socket, drill prepares femoral canal, rasp shapes hollow femur to match shape of stem of femoral component
1-4 day hospital stay, full recovery 3 months

Stages of Knee Osteoarthritis
by Bioventus
Duration: 4:08
Posted: Aug 28, 2017
Views > 2,153,000 (when accessed 8/8/2020)
Covers: osteoarthritis: mild, moderate, severe
knee joint: femur, tibia, patella, synovial membrane, synovial fluid, femoral articular cartilage, tibial articular cartilage, 
healthy knee: smooth cartilage, no fissuring, smooth bone, no pain
osteoarthritis (OA) will affect: bone, cartilage, synovial fluid
mild OA: cartilage breakdown has begun, bone spurs = osteophytes
moderate OA: cartilage surface has begun to erode, gap between femur and tibia narrower, less hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid, 
subchondral bone affected by OA, cytokines + proteins enter synovial fluid, osteophytes increase in number and size, joint pain increases
severe OA: joint space far narrower, severe destruction of cartilage, knee inflamed + sore, synovial fluid decreases, cartilage and soft tissues degraded, osteophytes increase, bone moves against bone

Why do your knuckles pop? - Eleanor Nelsen
by TED-Ed
Duration: 4:21
Posted: May 5, 2015
Views > 3,568,000 (when accessed 8/8/2020)
Covers: hypotheses to explain noise of joint cracking: rapidly stretching ligaments, bones grinding, bubbles in joints
synovial joints, synovial fluid, hyaluronic acid, lubricin, phagocytic cells, dissolved gas molecules,
Dr. Donald Unger cracked left hand knuckles x 50 years (36,500 cracks), did not crack right hand knuckles, to see if cracking knuckles leads to arthritis, leading to his win of an ignoble prize

Artificial Knee Replacement
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 4:46
Posted: Nov 10, 2013
Views > 299,000 (when accessed 8/24/20)
Covers: artificial knee replacement / arthroplasty
prosthesis, femoral component, tibial component, patellar component, patello-femoral groove, incision, patellar inversion, retractors, cutting and shaping of bones, assessment for stability and mobility, testing of knee, cement, sutures, recovery expectations