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Appendicular Skeleton
Clavicle Anatomy Made Easy I ANIMATED I Attachments I Side determination I Clinical anatomy - NEET PG
by The Young Orthopod
Duration: 5:33
Posted: Jun 4, 2017
Views > 24,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
anterior border, posterior border, sternal end, acromial end, superior surface, inferior surface
sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint
muscle attachment sites, ligament attachment sites
clavicle fractures - classification
Clavicle Anatomy I General features, Osteology, Attachments, Development, clinical anatomy
by Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animated Medical Videos
Duration: 3:20
Posted: Apr 12, 2017
Views > 81,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
Covers:functions of clavicle
lateral 1/3 of shaft:
conoid tubercle, trapezoid line, anterior border, deltoid tubercle, posterior border,
medial 2/3 of shaft: anterior, upper, posterior, & inferior surfaces, costal impression, subclavian groove, nutrient foramen
acromial end, sternal end
Anatomy and Function of the Scapula - Human Anatomy I Kenhub
by Kenhub - Learn Human anatomy
Duration: 3:24
Posted: Apr 13, 2015
Views > 85,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
glenoid cavity, acromial process
superior angle, inferior angle, medial border, lateral border, superior border, subscapular fossa, spine of scapula, supraspinous fossa, infraspinous fossa, coracoid process, acromion, supraglenoid tubercle, infraglenoid tubercle
Humerus Bone - Anatomy, Definition & Function - Human Anatomy I Kenhub
by Kenhub - Learn Human Anatomy
Duration: 3:23
Posted: Nov 16, 2014
Views > 73,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
functions of the humerus
head of humerus, anatomical neck
greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, surgical neck
body of the humerus / the shaft,
lateral epicondyle, medial epicondyle,
capitulum, trochlea
Anatomy of the Scapula
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 5:29
Posted: Aug 13, 2017
Views > 3,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
Covers: spine, infraspinous fossa, supraspinous fossa, suprascapular notch / scapular notch, root of the spine of the scapula, medial border / vertebral border, lateral border / axillary border, glenoid cavity / glenoid fossa, superior border, inferior angle, superior angle, lateral angle, supraglenoid tubercle, infraglenoid tubercle, acromion process / acromion, coracoid process, subscapular fossa
Anatomy of the Humerus
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 7:08
Posted: Aug 10, 2017
Views > 9,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
Covers: anterior/posterior, medial/lateral, proximal/distal, head, anatomical neck, surgical neck, lesser tubercle, greater tubercle, intertubercular groove / bicipital groove with lateral lip/ridge & medial lip/ridge, deltoid tuberosity, shaft, condyles: capitulum & trochlea, coronoid fossa, radial fossa,
medial epicondyle, lateral epicondyle, lateral supracondylar ridge, radial groove, olecranon fossa
Radius & Ulna
by UCDenver Anatomy Lab 3244
Duration: 2:26
Posted: Aug 31, 2013
Views > 33,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
radius: head, neck, radial tuberosity, interosseous border, styloid process, ulnar notch
ulna: styloid process, head, interosseous border, olecranon process, olecranon fossa of humerus, coronoid process, coronoid fossa of humerus, trochlear notch, radial notch
Anatomy of the Radius and Ulna
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 6:15
Posted: Feb 15, 2018
Views > 3,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
anterior/posterior, proximal/distal, medial/lateral,
head of radius, radial notch of ulna, tuberosity of radius, shaft of radius, styloid process of radius, Lister's tubercle
trochlear notch, olecranon process, styloid process of ulna, coronoid process
Carpal Bones - Wrist bones (ossa carpi)
by Anatomyka
Duration: 1:43
Posted: May 3, 2018
Views > 10,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
Left hand anterior view of carpal bones:
Proximal row:
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrium, Pisiform
Distal row:
Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
Bones and Structures of the Wrist and Hand
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 7:05
Posted: Sep 12, 2017
Views > 2,700 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
carpal bones, metacarpal bones, phalanges
carpals: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate with hamulus, scaphoid, lunate, triquetrium, pisiform, metacarpals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
each with head, body, base,
phalanges: proximal phalange/phalanx, middle phalange/phalanx, distal phalange/phalanx
saddle joint between trapezium & 1st metacarpal
Dr Mitch's Anatomy: Os Coxae
by MitchBorst
Duration: 3:27
Posted: May 20, 2013
Views > 24,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
Covers: os coxae: ilium, ischium, pubic bone
iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, posterior superior iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine, greater sciatic notch, ischial spine, lesser sciatic notch, ischial tuberosity, ramus of the ischium, ramus of the pubic bone, acetabulum, obturator foramen, pubic sumphysis, iliac fossa, sacroliac joint
by SimplyAandP
Duration: 6:13
Posted: Oct 12, 2013
Views > 19,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
Covers: coxal bone: ilium, ischium, pubis
iliac crest, iliac fossa, arcuate line, greater sciatic notch, anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, posterior superior iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine, pubic symphysis, pubic tubercle, pubic arch, pubic crest, pelvic brim, greater / false pelvis, ischial spines, lesser / true pelvis, acetabulum, obturator foramen
The Os Coxa Bone
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 5:48
Posted: Sep 23, 2017
Views > 14,000 (when accessed 8/4/2020)
Covers: os coxa bone / hip bone, iliac fossa, iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, superior ramus of pubis, inferior ramus of pubis, ischial ramus, ilium, ischium, pubis, acetabulum, articular surface for sacrum, greater sciatic notch, lesser sciatic notch, ischial spine, obturator foramen, ischial tuberosity, iliac pillar iliac tubercle, posterior superior iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine, gluteal lines: inferior, anterior, posterior, pubic tubercle, pubic symphysis
Pelvis Anatomy
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 6:27
Posted: Sep 23, 2017
Views > 24,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
Covers differences between male (M) and female (F) pelvis structure. infrapubic angle: acute (M) obtuse (F), pelvic outlet: wide (F) narrow (M),
shape of obturator foramen: wider (M) not as wide open (F), line between iliac crests - crosses L5 (F), crosses L4 (M),
features of the pelvis: true pelvis & false pelvis, pelvic brim, pelvic inlet, pelvic outlet, ischiopubic ramus, ischial tuberosities, coccyx, pubic tubercles, pubic crest, pubic symphysis, intervertebral discs, sacroiliac joint,
Vaginal Childbirth (Birth)
by Nucleus Medical Media
Duration: 0:47
Posted: Mar 27, 2007
Views > 15,575,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
animation that will let you visualize how the baby moves through the pelvis during childbirth
Pelvis (Hip bone) and Femur - Human Anatomy I Kenhub
by Kenhub - Learn Human anatomy
Duration: 18:03
Posted: Oct 7, 2019
Views > 74,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
bony pelvis: sacrum, coccyx, hip / pelvic bones.
hip bone: ilium, ischium, pubic bone. acetabulum, lunate surface, margin of acetabulum, acetabular notch, acetabular labrum
ilium: wing of ilium, body of ilium, arcuate line, iliac tuberosity, auricular surface, iliac fossa, iliac crest, gluteal fossa, anterior superior iliac spine, posterior superior iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, posterior inferior iliac spine, greater sciatic notch
pubic bone: body of pubic bone, superior & inferior ramus of pubic bone, iliopubic eminence, symphyseal surface, pubic symphysis, pubic tubercle, obturator crest, obturator foramen
ischium: body of ischium, ramus of ischium, ischial spine, ischial tuberosity
greater sciatic notch, greater sciatic foramen, lesser sciatic notch, lesser sciatic foramen
(interruption by ad for Kenhub)
(10:18) femur: head of femur, ligament of the head of the femur, neck, shaft / body with medial, lateral, and anterior surfaces, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, intertrochanteric line, intertrochanteric crest, quadrate tubercle, linea aspera, pectineal line, gluteal tuberosity, medial & lateral supracondylar lines, popliteal surface, spiral line, lateral condyle, medial condyle, intercondylar fossa, lateral epicondyle, medial epicondyle, adductor tubercle
(14:48) ligaments: ligament of the head of the femur, iliofemoral ligament, pubofemoral ligament, ischiofemoral ligament, transverse acetabular ligament
(16:14) hip replacement surgery: x-ray showing prosthesis in hip, recovery timeline after surgery
by sharon simpson
Duration: 1:02
Posted: Oct 16, 2013
Views > 300 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
head, neck, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, linea aspera, lateral condyle, medial condyle, lateral epicondyle, medial epicondyle, intercondylar fossa,
patellar surface
The Femur
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 6:45
Posted: Sep 24, 2017
Views > 8,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
anterior, proximal, distal, medial, lateral, posterior aspects & popliteal surface
head, fovea capitis, neck, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, shaft, patellar surface, condyles: medial & lateral, epicondyles: medial & lateral, adductor tubercle, intertrochanteric crest, gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, popliteal surface, intercondylar fossa, trochanteric fossa
Human Anatomy video: The Femur
by Anatomy made simple by Dr. T
Duration: 17:41
Posted: Nov 14, 2014
Views > 43,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
Covers: head of femur, fovea capitis femoris, discussion of ligament of the head of the femur, neck, multiple nutrient foramina, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, intertrochanteric line, intertrochanteric crest, trochanteric fossa, quadrate tubercle, pectineal line, femoral shaft, linea aspera, lateral lip of linea aspera - gluteal tuberosity, medial lip of linea aspera - spiral line, lateral & medial supracondylar lines / ridges, medial & lateral condyles, medial & lateral epicondyle, adductor tubercle, patellar surface, intercondylar fossa
head, fovea capitus femoris, neck, lesser trochanter, greater trochanter, intertrochanteric crest, quadratus femoris tubercle, trochanteric fossa, greater trochanter, intertrochanteric line, pectineal line, shaft, linea aspera, spiral line of femur, gluteal tuberosity, lateral & medial supracondylar ridges, popliteal fossa, lateral & medial condyles & epicondyles, adductor tubercle, patellar surface, intercondylar fossa
Tibia and Fibula
by sharon simpson
Duration: 1:48
Posted: Oct 16, 2013
Views > 12,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
tibia: medial malleolus, tibial tuberosity, medial & lateral condyle,
fibula: head of fibula, lateral malleolus
how to tell left vs right tibia
Tibia and Fibula
by Rob Swatski
Duration: 4:01
Posted: Jun 4, 2015
Views > 7,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
tibia: (shin bone), medial & lateral condyles, medial malleolus, intercondylar eminence, tibial tuberosity, anterior crest / border, shaft
fibula: head of fibula, lateral malleolus
mnemonics to help remember which bone is tibia vs fibula, and which bone is medial vs lateral
The Tibia and Fibula
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 8:00
Posted: Sep 24, 2017
Views > 17,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
tibia: anterior, proximal, distal, medial, lateral, posterior aspects. tibial tuberosity, condyles of tibia: medial & lateral, attachment sites for cruciate ligaments, tibial spines / intercondylar eminences, tibial plateau, anterior border, medial malleolus, articular surfaces for fibula, soleal line, interosseous crest
fibula: interosseous crest, head, neck, lateral malleolus
ankle stability factors, inversion ankle sprains, fibular fractures, common fibular / peroneal nerve damage, foot drop
Talus, Calcaneus, Navicular, Medial cuneiform
Intermediate cuneiform, Lateral cuneiform, Cuboid
Tarsal bones (ossa tarsi) - Bones of the foot
by Anatomyka
Duration: 1:21
Posted: May 10, 2018
Views > 12,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
Bones of the Foot
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 5:36
Posted: Sep 25, 2017
Views > 3,000 (when accessed 8/5/2020)
Covers:dorsal, lateral, medial, posterior, anterior, plantar foot, tarsal bones, metatarsals, phalanges
talus, navicular, medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, cuboid, calcaneous
groove for tendon of fibularis longus muscle
metatarsals each with base, body, head. metatarsal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. base of 5th metatarsal = extra large.
phalanges: proximal, middle and distal phalange / phalanx