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related to
Sensory & Motor Pathways

Spinal Cord: Anatomy, Spinal Tracts & Pathways, Somatic Reflexes, Animation
by Alila Medical Media
Duration: 4:44
Posted: Sep 9, 2019
Views > 40,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: spinal cord connects brain and nerves, cauda equina, gray matter, white matter, spinal tracts, ascending tracts / sensory, descending tracts / motor, crossing over, contralateral, ipsilateral, spinal nerves, sensory fibers enter cord through dorsal root, motor fibers exit through ventral root, sensory pathways - first-order neurons, second-order neurons, third order neurons, motor pathways - upper motor neuron, lower motor neuron, somatic reflexes, reflex arc

Spinal Pathways 1 - Spinal Cord Anatomy and Organization
by Handwritten Tutorials
Duration 4:10
Posted: Feb 28, 2013
Views > 725,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)

Covers: cross sectional anatomy of spinal cord, white matter (axons), grey matter (cell bodies), dorsal median sulcus, ventral median fissure, central canal, fasciculi, gracile + cuneate fasciculi = dorsal column (fine touch and proprioception), lateral corticospinal tract (limb motor), ventral corticospinal tract (axial motor), lateral spinothalamic tract (pain and temperature), anterior spinothalamic tract (crude touch), lissauer's fasciculus, anterior white commissure / decussation

Spinal Pathways/Tracts - Part 1 - Introduction - Anatomy Tutorial
by Anatomy Zone
Duration: 7:04
Posted: Feb 6, 2014
Views > 430,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: cross section of spinal cord, gray matter, white matter, ascending tracts (sensory) and descending tracts (motor), bundles/fasciculi, conscious sensory information, subconscious information, first order (primary afferent) neuron, second order neuron (crosses over / decussates), thalamus, third order neuron, somatosensory cortex

2-Minute Neuroscience: Spinal Cord Cross-section
by Neuroscientifically Challenged
Duration: 1:58
Posted: Feb 28, 2015
Views > 129,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: cross sectional anatomy of spinal cord, grey matter (cell bodies), white matter (axons), posterolateral sulcus, dorsal roots, anterolateral sulcus, ventral roots, posterior horn, substantia gelatinosa, anterior horn, alpha motor neurons, intermediate grey matter, posterior funiculi, anterior funiculi

AXON: Dorsal Column Pathway (Fine Tactile sensation, Conscious Proprioception), from Foot (2 of 9)
by UCD Medicine (University College Dublin)
Duration: 2:04
Posted: Feb 1, 2013
Views > 34,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: tactile sensation mediated by specialized nerve endings in skin, first order neuron enters via dorsal root entering fasciculus gracilis, carries impulse up through spinal cord, synapses with second order neuron in nucleus gracilis, second order neuron crosses over to enter contralateral medial lemniscus, second order carries information to thalamus where it synapses with third order neuron, third order neuron carries impulse to primary somatosensory cortex

2-Minute Neuroscience: Touch and the Dorsal Columns-Medial Lemniscus
by Neuroscientifically Challenged
Duration: 2:01
Posted: Jun 27, 2015
Views > 120,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: cutaneous receptors, dorsal columns medial lemniscus pathway / posterior columns medial lemniscus, dorsal roots, fasciculus gracilis, fascilus cuneatus, nucleus gracilis, nucleus cuneatus, medial lemniscus, decussation, thalamus (VPL), postcentral gyrus of somatosensory cortex, somatotopic arrangement

AXON: Spinothalamic Pathway (Pain & Temperature) From Foot (1 of 9)
by UCD Medicine (University College Dublin)
Duration: 2:20
Posted: Sep 28, 2012
Views > 63,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: free nerve endings in skin, first order neuron, carries impulse through lumbosacral plexus, through dorsal root, into substantia gelatinosa, dorsal horn, lissauer's tract, second order neuron, crossing over, spinothalamic tract carries impulse up spinal cord, travels through spinal lemniscus in brainstem, thalamus, third order neuron, primary somatosensory cortex

2-Minute Neuroscience: Pain and the Anterolateral System
by Neuroscientifically Challenged
Duration: 2:04
Posted: Jul 16, 2015
Views > 142,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: nociceptors, anterolateral system: spinothalamic, spinoreticular, & spinomesencephalic tracts, spinothalamic tract main path for pain to cerebral cortex, 1st synapse in spinal cord, quickly decussates, synapse in thalamus, another neuron carries information to somatosensory cortex, spinoreticular tract functions, reticular formation, spinomesencephalic tract / spinotectal tract role, periaqueductal grey, endogenous opioids

AXON: Spinocerebellar Pathway (Unconscious Proprioception) from Foot (3 of 9)
by UCD Medicine (University College Dublin)
Duration: 1:54
Posted: Feb 1, 2013
Views > 34,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: stretch receptors (muscle spindles) in muscle fibers, first order neuron, dorsal root, fasciculus gracilis, Clarke's column, second order neuron, dorsal spinocerebellar tract, inferior cerebellar peduncle, cerebellar cortex

Spinal Pathways 4 - Corticospinal Tract
by Handwritten Tutorials
Duration: 4:28
Posted: Mar 12, 2013
Views > 565,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: corticospinal tract - axial and limb motor control, precentral gyrus = primary motor cortex, internal capsule, brainstem, decussation of the pyramids (corticospinal tract = pyramidal tract), anterior corticospinal tract, lateral corticospinal tract,
anterior horn, upper motor neuron (arises in cortex) vs lower motor neuron (arises in anterior horn), anterior horn cells = lower motor neuron

2-Minute Neuroscience: Corticospinal Tract
by Neuroscientifically Challenged
Duration: 2:02
Posted: Dec 5, 2015
Views > 207,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: corticospinal tract, movement related information from motor cortex to spinal cord, upper motor neurons, lower motor neurons, cerebral peduncles, pyramids, pyramidal decussation, lateral corticospinal tract (distal muscles), anterior corticospinal tract (proximal muscles), upper motor neuron syndrome,

2-Minute Neuroscience: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 
by Neuroscientifically Challenged
Duration: 1:58
Posted: Mar 14, 2017
Views > 86,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, aka Lou Gehrig's Disease (US), aka Motor Neuron Disease (UK), muscle spasticity, progressive weakening of muscles, neurodegenerative disorder, upper and lower motor neurons, neurons and muscles atrophy, protein aggregates in neurons

Inside ALS: The neurons behind the disease
by nature video
Duration: 3:27
Posted: Apr 21, 2017
Views > 125,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: ALS usually begins in adulthood and progresses rapidly, upper and lower motor neurons, causes of ALS, altered genes, many altered processes that affect different aspects of the motor neuron function have been observed but we don't know which altered processes are a result of the disease vs a cause of the disease

Poliomyelitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology
by Osmosis
Duration: 10:13
Posted: Apr 2, 2018
Views > 340,000 (when accessed 10/21/2020)
Covers: poliomyelitis, enterovirus enters intestines, but eventually causes nerve damage in spinal cord, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, gray matter, white matter in brain & spinal cord, anterior (ventral) horns and posterior (dorsal) horns, pathway from foot to brain and from brain to muscle, upper motor neuron, lower motor neuron, trophic factors, poliovirus modes of transmission, poliovirus interactions with cells, inflammation, bulbar polio, post-polio syndrome, symptoms, floppy baby syndrome, diagnosis, supportive treatment, respiratory support, vaccines, benefits and risks