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related to
Muscle Tissue

Sliding Filament
by Sara Enger
Duration: 2:58
Posted: Dec 10, 2009

Views > 1,244,000 (when accessed 9/14/20)
animation of thick and thin filaments sliding
myosin, ADP, P, actin, troponin, calcium
myosin attachment sites on actin
crossbridge, power stroke, ATP, 

Sliding filament theory in muscle contraction
by Wellcome Trust
Duration: 4:28
Posted: Jun 16, 2014

Views > 152,000 (when accessed 9/14/20)
Covers: skeletal muscles, tendons, bundles of muscle fibers, multiple nuclei, myofibrils, myofilaments, sarcomeres, M line, Z line, A band, H band, I band, actin, myosin, tropomyosin, myosin binding site on actin, calcium ions, troponin, myosin head, ATP, sliding of actin and myosin past each other

Muscle Contraction - Cross Bridge Cycle, Animation
by Alila Medical Media
Duration: 2:48
Posted: Aug 31, 2016

Views > 672,000 (when accessed 9/14/20)
Covers: skeletal muscles, muscle fibers, sarcomeres, thin/actin and thick/myosin filaments, sliding filament theory, stimulation by nerve impulse, releas of calcium ions, troponin, tropomyosin, myosin binding sites, myosin head, ADP and P, ATP

How do Muscles Contract? Sliding Filament Theory
by Corporis
Duration: 7:51
Posted: Jun 25, 2020

Views > 2,000 (when accessed 9/14/20)

Covers: muscle, muscle fibers, myofibrils, sarcomere, actin, myosin, z-line, titin, m-line, nebulin, I-zone, A-band, H-zone, cross bridge, power stroke, ATP, calcium, ADP, phosphate, rigor mortis, calcium, tropomyosin, troponin, calcium ions, sarcoplasmic reticulum

Shotgun Histology Three Muscle Types
by WashingtonDeceit
Duration: 6:20
Posted: Aug 13, 2007

Views > 186,000 (when accessed 9/14/20)
Covers: 3 kinds of muscle - smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle
skeletal muscle - striated, like logs, nuclei at periphery, voluntary
smooth muscle - no striations, cigar-shaped nuclei, spindly
cardiac muscle - difficult to see striations, nuclei central in fiber, fibers branch, intercalated discs, fibers thinner than skeletal

Muscle & Nerve Tissue Review
by FrancoAnatomy
Duration: 8:46
Posted: Sep 17, 2014

Views > 69,000 (when accessed 9/14/20)
Covers: nerve tissue - neuroglia cells, neurons, cell body, dendrites, nucleus, axon
cardiac muscle tissue - intercalated discs, centrally located nucleus 1/cell, branching, striations
skeletal muscle tissue - long tubular, cylindrical cells, all parallel, striations, multiple laterally located nuclei outer 
smooth muscle tissue - spindle shaped cells, centrally located nucleus 1/cell, no striations

The surprising reason our muscles get tired - Christian Moro
by TED-Ed
Duration: 4:24
Posted: Apr 18, 2019

Views > 5 million (when accessed 2/15/24)​

Mentions: motor neuron, muscle cell, acetylcholine, potassium ions, sodium ions, calcium ions, ATP, lactic acid, sodium and potassium pumps.