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Integumentary System

Introduction to the Integumentary System -- Animated Tutorial I Complete Anatomy
by 3D4Medical
Duration: 1:05
Posted: Sep 21, 2016
Views > 53,000 (when accessed 8/13/20)
integumentary system = dermal system 
= largest system
functions: protection, temperature regulation, hydration regulation, sensory perception, 
vitamin D synthesis
skin: epidermis + dermis,
subcutaneous tissue

Composite Skin Model - Epidermis & Dermis
by drbobrd
Duration: 3:16
Posted: Dec 29, 2008
Views > 127,000 (when accessed 8/13/20)
epidermis from foot sole: thick skin
epidermis from armpit: thin skin
stratum basale / stratum germinativum, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum (only in thick skin), stratum corneum
dermis: papillary layer, reticular layer
papillae, capillaries
reticular layer

Simple Skin Model - Dermis
by drbobrd
Duration: 2:56
Posted: Dec 22, 2008
Views > 47,000 (when accessed 8/13/20)

papillary layer
epidermal pegs, papillae (sing. papilla), capillaries
reticular layer, dense irregular connective tissue
subcutaneous layer, fat cell / adipocyte
hair, shaft, follicle, arrector pili muscles
oil gland / sebaceous gland

Composite Skin Model - Glands
by drbobrd
Duration: 3:00
Posted: Dec 29, 2008
Views > 57,000 (when accessed 8/13/20)
sweat glands / sudoriferous glands
eccrine sweat gland, secretory portion, duct, pore
apocrine sweat gland, secretory portion
more viscous secretion
sebaceous / oil glands

Composite Skin Model - Hair Follicle
by drbobrd
Duration: 3:19
Posted: Dec 29, 2008
Views > 51,000 (when accessed 8/13/20)
hair bulb, hair papilla, matrix 
medulla, cortex, cuticle
internal root sheath, external root sheath
sebaceous gland
glassy membrane, basal lamina of epidermis
fibrous capsule
smooth muscle attachment, arrector pili muscle

Structure Of The Skin - Layers Of Skin - Types Of Skin Cells - Integumentary System
by Whats Up Dude
Duration: 5:08
Posted: Mar 1, 2018
Views > 77,000 (when accessed 8/14/20)
Covers: skin = integument = cutaneous membrane
epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous layer
5 layers in thick skin - palms + soles
4 layers in thin skin - most of the body

stratum basale - single layer of cells, basement membrane, keratinocytes (cell division, keratin), melanocytes (melanin, DNA protection), tactile cells (touch)
stratum spinosum - keratinocytes (desmosomes), dendritic cells (immune system)
stratum granulosum - keratinization
stratum lucidum - keratinocytes clear, flat, contain eleidin
stratum corneum - dead keratinized cells

4 weeks movement through epidermal layers

dermis: connective tissue, collagen fibers, structures including: hair follicles, sweat glands, blood vessels, sebaceous glands, nerve endings, arrector pili
dermis layers: papillary + reticular
papillary layer: loose connective tissue, dermal papillae, epidermal ridges, capillaries, sensory nerve endings
reticular layer: dense connective tissue, elastic fibers, collagen fibers

subcutaneous layer = hypodermis: 
loose connective tissue + adipose / fat tissue - functions listed

The science of skin - Emma Bryce
by TED-Ed
Duration 5:10
Posted: Mar 12, 2018
Views > 714,000 (when accessed 8/14/20)
skin - 16% of weight 
largest organ - 1.7 sq m
part of integumentary system
layers: epidermis, dermis, hypodermis
thickness: 0.5 mm - 4 mm
key functions: protecting, regulating, sensing
Merckel cells + other receptors
collagen in dermis
keratinocytes in epidermis replaced every 4 weeks
Langerhans cells
immune defense
skin microbes
sebaceous glands in dermis
temperature regulation
nerve detectors for temperature
blood vessels expand or constrict
sweat glands
hair follicles, arrector pili, goosebumps,

Shotgun Histology Thin Skin
by WashingtonDeceit
Duration: 9:57
Posted: Aug 10, 2007
Views > 232,000 (when accessed 8/14/20)
Covers: thin skin
stratum corneum thinner than rest of epidermis
epidermis, dermis, hypodermis = subcutis, 
epidermis: keratinized, stratified cells
basement membrane
columnar cells -> cuboidal cells -> squamous cells = stratified squamous
basal cells, stratum germinativum
prickle cell layer = stratum spinosum (not spongiosum - corrects his mistake later in video)
granules of keratohyaline = stratum granulosum
stratum lucidumstratum corneum
loose connective tissue = papillary dermis
dense connective tissue = reticular dermis
loose connective tissue / fat = hypodermis = subcutaneous fat = subcutis
reticular dermis dense thick collagen bundles arranged every which way
​blood vessel, nerve, duct of sweat gland
eccrine sweat glands, acini, ducts, myoepithelial cells, large blood vessel,
nerve with axons and Schwann cells, vein, artery

Shotgun Histology Thick Skin
by WashingtonDeceit
Duration: 4:36
Posted: Aug 10, 2007
Views > 247,000 (when accessed 8/14/20)
thick skin
stratum corneum thicker than rest of epidermis
no hair follicles or sebaceous glands
presence of Pacinian corpuscles,
ducts of eccrine sweat glands
acini of eccrine sweat glands
blood vessels, vein, artery
collagen fibers, fibroblasts, dense reticular dermis (elastic fibers not visible because not stained so we can see them)
papillary dermis between rete pegs of epidermis
subcutaneous fat
stratum germinativum to stratum corneum, stratum granulosum
Meissner's corpuscles
basal layer
stratum spinosum
stratum granulosum
stratum corneum

Shotgun Histology Skin Appendages
by WashingtonDeceit
Duration: 8:23
Posted: Aug 10, 2007
Views > 90,000 (when accessed 8/14/20)
Covers: stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium + skin appendages,    thin skin
papillary + reticular dermis
reticular dermis: collagenous fibers + fibroblasts
eccrine sweat glands, acinus, duct
apocrine sweat glands (axilla + groin area)
hair follicle, hair shaft, sebaceous glands
pilosebaceous apparatus, eccrine acini, apocrine sweat gland, fatty connective tissue of hypodermis

How We Get Our skin Color I HHMI Biointeractive Video
by biointeractive
Duration: 3:32
Posted: Jun 30, 2015
Views > 358,000 (when accessed 8/14/20) 
Covers: two types of epidermal cells: 
keratinocytes + melanocytes
melanin, melanosomes, tyrosine -> melanin 
1) type of melanin, 2) amount of melanin, 3) number of melanosomes - all vary from person to person and determine skin color
melanosomes transfer from melanocyte to keratinocyte and form cap around nucleus
melanin absorbs UV energy, UV radiation can cause mutations, UV radiation can increase melanin production = tanning

From Melanocyte to Melanoma
by MelaFind MELASciences
Duration: 3:00
Posted: Mar 10, 2012
Views > 95,000 (when accessed 8/14/20)
Covers: melanocytes produce melanin
location in skin, dendrites, melanosome, microtubules, keratinocyte, supranuclear region, UV radiation is absorbed by DNA and increases risk of cancer, thymine dimer formation, atypical dysplastic nevus, melanoma in situ, invasive melanoma, importance of early detection,

Vitiligo and Stem Cells: Narrowband UVB Phototherapy in Nonsegmental Vitiligo
by The Photoprotection Channel
Duration: 4:46
Posted: Jan 11, 2011
Views > 245,000 (when accessed 8/14/20)
Covers: vitiligo = depigmentation disorder
melanocyte locations, nonsegmental vitiligo, autoimmune component, narrow band UVB phototherapy - stimulation of melanocyte stem cells of hair follicle niche
acute side effects: dryness, itchiness, redness
chronic side effects: skin aging, 
photo-carcinogenesis, skin cancer
other drawbacks: time commitment (3x/wk x 18 months), relapses common

Mariah's Big Decision To Come Clean
by DCODE by Discovery
Duration: 5:17
Posted: Jan 24, 2019
Views > 5,465,000 (when accessed 8/14/20)
Covers: Mariah has been dating Malik
Mariah has vitiligo
Malik has never seen Mariah without her makeup On their third date, Mariah is going to show her true self to Malik, and we get to see what happens

Rickets: Facts, Causes, Risk Factors & Treatments = Web Article covering:
1 What is Rickets?
2 Rickets Facts        
3 Causes of Rickets
4 Symptoms of Rickets
5 Risk factors for Rickets
6 Who's affected with Rickets
7 Treatment for Rickets

Rickets making a comeback in the UK, doctors say 
(November 8, 2013 MPR News Article)
Discusses factors that may be responsible for the increasing number of children having rickets