Membrane Proteins - Types and Functions
Duration: 5:26
Posted: Sep 7, 2019
by Neural Academy
Views > 37,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
Guide to Internet Resources
related to
Covers: functions of membrane proteins
integral/intrinsic and peripheral/extrinsic proteins
monotopic, transmembrane (bitopic, polytopic), and lipid anchored proteins, post-translational modifications of proteins, phospholipid bilayer, polar and nonpolar substances, hydrophobic effect, amphipathic proteins, detergent, alpha-helical and beta-barrel proteins, hydropathy plot, Type I & Type II topology, transport, glycosylation

Channel Proteins
Duration: 2:25
Posted: Feb 4, 2015
by RicochetScience
Views > 60,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
passive diffusion
sodium ions move into cell through Na+ channel
potassium ions move out of cell through K+ channel
active transport requires ATP
sodium-potassium pump

Active, Passive, and Bulk Cell Transport
Duration: 4:34
Posted: Apr 15, 2016
by RicochetScience
Views > 114,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
plasma membrane = selectively permeable
passive transport, diffusion, concentration gradient, facilitated diffusion, osmosis
active transport, pumps, sodium-potassium pump
bulk transport, vesicles, endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis, exocytosis

Fighting Coronavirus with Soap
Duration: 2:08
Posted: Mar 18, 2020
by RCSBProteinDataBank
Views > 386,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
soap molecules - hydrophilic head + hydrophobic lipid tail
micelle formation
enveloped viruses - (lipid bilayer)
interaction of soap with membrane lipids and membrane proteins of virus - destroys virus

How soap kills the coronavirus
Duration: 3:44
Posted: Mar 18, 2020
by Vox
Views > 9,429,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
coronavirus is coated by proteins and fat
demonstration of oil + water, vs oil + water + soap
(amphipathic nature of soap)
soap demolishes the virus
effect is time dependent
demonstration of how long it takes to wash lipids off
alcohol in hand sanitizers is not as effective as soap

Duration: 0:45
Posted: Feb 3, 2015
by RicochetScience
Views > 34,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
diffusion - definition
animation of glucose diffusing in water

Diffusion, Osmosis and Dialysis
Duration: 1:35
Posted: Mar 26, 2017
by CanalDivulgacion 
(Instituto de Quimica Organica General)
Views > 186,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
diffusion - definition + animation
osmosis - definition + animation
dialysis - definition + animation

Osmosis and Tonicity
Duration: 2:24
Posted: Sep 13, 2013
by RicochetScience
Views > 158,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
Covers: osmosis - definition, tonicity - definition
determining the direction in which osmosis will occur
RBCs in pure water: 
hypertonic RBC, hypotonic water
RBCs in salt solution: 
hypotonic RBC and hypertonic salt solution
RBCs in isotonic solution
osmotic pressure

Red blood cells under the microscope, 
hypo and hypertonic solutions
Duration: 3:47
Posted: Jun 3, 2016
by Sci- Inspi
Views > 740,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
drop of blood on finger
drop of blood on microscope slide with isotonic saline, 40x, 100x, 150x, 400x, 600x, 1000x, 1500x
red blood cells in 10% salt water = hypertonic soln
crenated cells at 1500x
blood in distilled water = hypotonic solution
evidence of swelling and bursting at 600x, 1000x,
red blood cell ghosts at 1500x

Pruney Fingers? Think Osmosis!
Duration: 4:29
Posted: Feb 25, 2020
by My Book of Chemistry
Views > 1,900 (when accessed 7/17/20)
Covers: origin of the word osmosis
osmosis definition
osmosis animation
how salt and osmosis can kill snails
examples of osmosis in daily life:
5. pruned or wrinkled fingers, 4. water into roots of plants, 3. pickles, 2. thirst after eating salty foods,
1. gargling with salt water for sore throat

Diffusion, Osmosis and Tonicity
Duration: 9:39
Posted: Sep 26, 2012
by ProSkillsOnline 
Views > 99,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
Covers: diffusion - definition - animation
semipermeable membrane
intravascular + intracellular + extracellular compartments
osmolarity, osmosis, osmotic pressure
tonicity, RBCs in isotonic solution, RBCs in hypertonic solution, RBCs in hypotonic solution
adding large particles to blood stream (via IV addition) causes water to move into intravascular compartment

Diffision and Osmosis
Duration: 13:13
Posted: Sep 17, 2014
by Science Sauce
Views > 506,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
Covers: concentration gradient, diffusion definition,
rate of diffusion, steep concentration gradient,
shallow concentration gradient, partially permeable membrane, high water potential, low water potential, osmosis definition, plant cell in fresh water --> turgid, plant cell in salt water --> flaccid, plasmolysis, animal cell in fresh water can burst
plant cell in 0%, 10%, and 60% sucrose

Features of Eukaryotic Cells
Duration: 4:00
Posted: Nov 5, 2015
by RicochetScience
Views > 20,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
Eukaryote cells, Prokaryote cells
Appearance and function of:
Nucleus, Nucleolus, Endoplasmic reticulum - rough ER, smooth ER - Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Mitochondria, Chloroplasts, Vacuoles, Centrioles, Cytoskeleton

The Secret Life of a Cell, Part 1 - Organelles
Duration: 3:43
​Posted: Feb 22, 2017
by Quantum University
Views > 92,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
Prokaryotic cells & Eukaryotic cells
Organelles in Eukaryotic cells
cellular membrane, receptor proteins, sodium-potassium pump, resting voltage, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, microtubules, tubulin, centrosome, motor proteins, vesicles

The Secret Life of a Cell, Part 2 - Organelles (cont'd)
Duration: 3:54
Posted: Mar 8, 2017
by Quantum University
Views > 53,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
lysosome, enzymes, activation energy, rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, translation, Golgi apparatus/ Golgi body, mitochondria, ATP

The Secret Life of a Cell, Part 3 - The Nucleus
Duration: 4:02
Posted: Mar 22, 2017
by Quantum University
Views > 60,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
nucleus, nucleolus, histones, DNA, chromosome,
human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes,
autosomes, sex chromosomes, microchimerism,
size and length of DNA, nucleosome,
chromatin fibers, chromosomes,

Biology: Cell Structure I Nucleus Medical Media
Duration: 7:21
Posted: Mar 18, 2015
by Nucleus Medical Media
Views > 14,000,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
Covers: eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells
organelles, nucleus, DNA, chromatin, chromosomes, nucleolus, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, rough ER, smooth ER, vesicle, Golgi apparatus/Golgi body, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondrion, cellular respiration, ATP, cytoskeleton, microfilaments, microtubules, chloroplast, chlorophyll, cell wall, cilia, flagella,

The Endomembrane System
Duration: 3:05
Posted: Nov 16, 2015
by RicochetScience
Views > 179,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
endomembrane system - definition 
components: nuclear envelope, rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, vesicles, ribosomes, proteins, lipids, lysosomes, secretory vesicles 
movement of materials within the endomembrane system

Inner Life of the Cell (Full Version - Narrated)
Duration: 7:57
Posted: Jan 9, 2013
by More Thinking
Views > 1,482,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
leukocytes, P-selectins, extracellular matrix, sphingolipid-rich rafts in outer leaflet of lipid bilayer,
chemokine, proteoglycan, leukocyte receptor, intracellular cascade of signaling reactions, proteins in and associated with membrane

spectrin tetramers of membrane skeleton, cytoskeleton, actin filaments, severing proteins, microtubules

vesicles, motor proteins, mitochondria, centrosome, centrioles, nuclear pores, mRNA and proteins, free ribosomes, protein translocators, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, plasma membrane, protein secretion, protein diffusion

chemokine, G-protein coupled membrane receptors, integrins, I-cam proteins, leukocyte migration through blood vessel wall

The Inner Life of the Cell - Protein Packing [Narrated] [HD]
Duration: 3:48
Posted: Nov 25, 2015
by David Franco
Views > 280,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
proteins - functions - shape
molecular crowding, risk of protein aggregation, vesicles, Golgi, clathrin coat, kinesin, microtubules,
the attachment of kinesin to the vesicle
 the walk of kinesin along the microtubule

A day in the life of a motor protein
Duration: 5:13
Posted: Oct 19, 2013
by Hoogenraad Lab (at Utrecht University)
Views > 1,008,000 views (when accessed 7/17/20)
axon of neuron
kinesin = motor protein (= John)
cytoskeleton = roads of cell - microtubules + actin

Cellscape VR Biology Guided Tour Final
Duration: 6:35
Posted: Jan 19, 2018
by XVIVO Scientific Animation
Views > 26,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
organelles, cytoplasm, proteins, cell membrane, cytoskeleton, mitochondria, ribosome, mRNA, translation, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, vesicles, kinesin, microtubule, polymerization of tubulins to form microtubules, translocon pores, nucleus, transcription, proteosomes

Cell Signals (Full length)
Duration: 14:15
Posted: Mar 19, 2010
by DNA Learning Center 
(Cold Spring Harbor Lab + Interactive Knowledge, Inc.)
Views > 238,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)
response to injured knee wound site
clot formation, fibroblasts, platelets, 
growth factors, fluid outer membrane, receptors for growth factor, protein shape change, activation of messenger proteins

cytoskeleton, motor proteins, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum

pore in nuclear membrane, DNA, gene for growth factor, DNA unwinds, RNA polymerase makes mRNA copy of gene, mRNA is packaged with carrier proteins, mRNA leaves nucleus
ribosome, protein assembled from amino acids, protein inserted into ER, formation of vesicle, travel to Golgi, protein modification, exit Golgi in vesicle
growth factor exported by vesicle fusing with cell membrane, growth factors communicate with other cells

What is DNA and How Does it Work?
Duration: 5:23
Posted: Aug 30, 2012
by Stated Clearly
Views > 3,123,000 (when accessed 7/17/20)

DNA - definition
amino acids, proteins, 
4 chemicals in DNA arranged in a specific  sequence = genetic code
nucleus, cytoplasm, RNA, nuclear pores, ribosomes, 3 letters of RNA -> one amino acid, examples: CAA = glutamine, AGU = serine
amino acid chain forms protein

What is a gene?
Duration: 4:56
Posted: Nov 26, 2012
by Stated Clearly
Views > 1,187,000 (when accessed 7/18/20)
46 strands of DNA in human cell made of A,C,T,G
definition of gene, 20,000 in humans, code for proteins such as: hemoglobin, pepsin, keratin
humans share genes with chimps (96%), and fruit flies (about 50%)
genetic engineering creates new crop species,
provides insulin for humans with diabetes

What is a Chromosome?
Duration: 5:02
Posted: Jul 26, 2017
by Stated Clearly
Views > 785,000 (when accessed 7/18/20)
review of DNA, gene, protein
mutations - alter shape, timing, or amount of protein
chromosome - definition
packing of DNA with proteins
23 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell
each person has 50-200 unique mutations

DNA replication - 3D
Duration: 3:27
Posted: Jun 26, 2015
by yourgenome
Views > 4,298,000 (when accessed 7/18/20)
DNA = 2 strands ACTG, complementary strands,
3' and 5' ends, helicase, replication fork, primase, primer, DNA polymerase, leading strand, lagging strand, Okazaki fragments, exonuclease, DNA ligase, semiconservative replication,

DNA animations by for Science-Art exhibition
Duration: 7:19
Posted: Jul 16, 2018
by WEHImovies
Views > 1,484,000 (when accessed 7/18/20)
Covers: (animation without narration, just great images and labels)

cell, nucleus, gene library, gene transcription, nucleus gateway, nucleus exterior

1.8m DNA/cell, DNA organization, dividing cell, DNA replication, 

bone strength protein gene, activation by vitamin D, gene transcription

DNA double helix, template single strand, genetic code, T,A,G,C, base pair, nucleosome protein

active DNA, epigenetic control of genes, adding epigenetic tag, tagged nucleosome releases DNA, released DNA available for transcription, nucleosome sliding, 

inactive DNA, epigenetic tags on inactive DNA, proteins package up inactive DNA

Molecular Visualizations of DNA
Duration: 7:14
Posted: May 6, 2016
by MonicaMartin
Views > 16,000 (when accessed 7/18/20)
histones, nucleosome, chromatin fiber
DNA replication, helicase, continuous replication, and replication in pieces
gene, RNA, transcription
translation, ribosome, string of amino acids, transfer molecules (tRNAs), protein, hemoglobin

The Structure of DNA
Duration 5:58
Posted: May 26, 2015
by MITx Bio
Views > 1,902,000 (when accessed 7/18/20)
DNA, dsDNA, B-form DNA, polynucleotide

nucleotides, sugar + phosphate + nitrogenous base,
adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine, 
deoxyribose, deoxynucleotide, 
phosphodiester bonds, DNA backbone 

5' to 3', 3' to 5', Watson and Crick, 
hydrogen bonds between bases, 
complimentary bases, base pairs, 
A-T -> 2 H-bonds, G-C -> 3 H-bonds, 
pyrimidines, purines

10 base pairs/turn of DNA helix, 
pi-pi interactions, 
major and minor grooves, 
binding sites for proteins

Molecular Visualizations of DNA
Duration: 3:05
Posted: Nov 24, 2010
by WEHImovies
Views > 920,000 (when accessed 7/18/20)

Chromosome and Kinetochore
Duration: 4:16
Posted: Sep 29, 2013
by WEHImovies
Views > 249,000 (when accessed 7/18/20)

X Inactivation and Epigenetics
Duration: 11:03
Posted: Jan 25, 2012
by WEHI movies
Views > 195,000 views (when accessed 7/18/20)
1. DNA wrapping
histones, nucleosome, chromatin fiber, chromosomes
2. DNA replication
assembly line of molecular machines, including helicase, one strand copied continuously, the other strand copied one section at a time
nucleosomes, chromatin fibers, chromosomes, nuclear pore, mitosis
2. Kinetochore
chromosome, chromatid, microtubule fibers of mitotic spindle, kinetochore, chromatid separation 
DNA Review
template strand, T,A,G,C, base pair, nucleosome, histones, histone tails, modifications to histone tails and DNA itself determine whether DNA is active or not - and this is controlled by epigenetics

Epigenetics and the X chromosomes
23 sets of chromosomes in humans, sex chromosomes, X chromosome silencing in females

X chromosomes at molecular resolution
Active X chromosome
open DNA, transcription factors, histone modifying enzymes, nucleosome dissassemble & nucleosome sliding, RNA polymerase, mRNA

Inactive X chromosome
condensed, less accessible DNA, inactive histone tail modifications, DNA methylation, additional structural proteins

Epigenetic inheritance
X chromosome inactivation, calico cats

Why is epigenetics important?
Insulin gene switched on in some cells, off in others,
antibody genes switched on & off in different cells,
tumour suppressor genes can lead to cancer if inactivated

Body Code
Duration: 8:36
Posted: Aug 26, 2009
by WEHImovies
Views > 128,000 (when accessed 7/20/20)
human body - 100 trillion cells - 10 trillion human
stem cell surface, molecular antenna receiving messages from immune system
DNA organization, cell -> two cells, DNA copying
transcription, translation, creation of hemoglobin
hemoglobin sticking together in Sickle Cell Anemia

(Animation ONLY, NO narration, NO subtitles)

RNA polymerase traveling along the DNA 
creating the mRNA strand
(Animation ONLY, NO narration, NO subtitles)

mRNA outside the nucleus, ribosome attaching to the MRNA, tRNAs bringing amino acids to ribosome, polypeptide emerging from ribosome

The Central Dogma of Biology
Duration: 2:51
Posted: Apr 13, 2012
by DNA Learning Center 
(Cold spring Harbor Laboratory)
Views > 288,000 (when accessed 7/20/20)
​transcription, RNA, editing - splicing to remove introns, leaving only exons, spliceosome, RNA snaking out of nucleus, ribosome components lock around RNA, translation of RNA into string of amino acids, transfer molecules (one for each of the 20 amino acids), protein emerging from ribosome

Animation: The Central Dogma
Duration: 10:47
Posted: Jan 4, 2011
by nature video
Views > 277,000 (when accessed 7/20/20)
(animation with subtitles only - no audio narration)
molecular machines are modeled to look like Sci-Fi space craft and other human-built machines

mRNA editing

Transcription - Central Dogma Part 1
Duration: 1:23
Posted: Aug 24, 2009
by WEHImovies
Views > 144,000 (when accessed 7/20/20)

Translation - Central Dogma Part 2
Duration: 2:27
Posted: Aug 25, 2009
by WEHImovies
Views > 111,000 (when accessed 7/20/20) 

From DNA to protein - 3D
Duration: 2:41
Posted: Jan 7, 2015
by yourgenome
Views > 7,689,000 (when accessed 7/20/20)
nucleus, genome, 23 chromosomes, DNA, histones, genes, RNA polymerase, messenger RNA, free bases, transcription, processing of mRNA, ribosomes, chain of amino acids, transfer RNA molecules, base triplets, amino acid chain folds into complex 3D shape to form the protein

Animation How the Cell Cycle Works
Duration: 3:01
Posted: Mar 14, 2013
by Marcin Gorzycki
Views > 421,000 (when accessed 7/20/20
​cell cycle, growth stage, mitosis, cytokinesis, interphase, G1, S, G2, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, sister chromatids, microtubules, centrioles, spindle, centromere, 
1 cell -> 2 genetically identical cells

Mitosis, Cytokinesis, and the Cell Cycle
Duration: 8:34
Posted: Aug 5, 2019
by Neural Academy
Views > 28,000 (when accessed 7/20/20)
parent cell, daughter cells, cell cycle, cell growth, chromosome replication, chromosome segregation, cell division, 

G1, S, G2, M, interphase, cell cycle control system, DNA replication, chromosomes, chromatids, haploid and diploid cells, 46 chromosomes in humans

mitosis, cytokinesis, mitotic spindle, microtubules, interpolar microtubules, astral microtubules, kinetochore microtubules, kinetochores, centrosome, centrioles 

prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

animal cells - contractile ring, furrow, abcission, plant cells - building of cell wall between two new cells
syncytium, cellularization