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Axial Skeleton

skull bones
by cattosa3
Duration: 2:50
Posted: Oct 25, 2008
Views > 1,360,000 (when accessed 7/23/20)
occipital bone, parietal bones, temporal bones, frontal bone, nasal bones, zygomatic bones, maxilla, mandible
sphenoid (body, wings, sella turcica), ethmoid bone (perpendicular plate, crista galli, cribriform plate, palatine bones, lacrimal bones (lacrimal groove), vomer

Human skull - exploded skull with bones labelled,
based on CT scanning
by WhitmerLab
Duration: 2:52
Posted: Aug 11, 2011
Views > 348,000 (when accessed 7/23/20)
but does have moments with labels)

(0:57) lateral view labeled - parietal bone, sphenoid bone, temporal bone, occipital bone, mandible, frontal bone, lacrimal bone, nasal bone, zygomatic bone, maxillary bone
(1:04) anterior view labeled 12 features including:
vomer, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, inferior turbinate
(1:13) posterior view labeled 6 features
(1:21) inferior view labeled 9 features including:
palatine bone
(1:31) superior view 7 features labeled

(1:48) lateral exploded view 13 features labeled
(1:55) anterior exploded view 13 features labeled
(2:03) anterolateral exploded view 13 features
(2:13) posterior exploded view 11 features labeled
(2:19) posterolateral exploded view 13 features

Bones Of The Skull Labeled - Anatomy Of The Skull And Facial Bones - Skull Anatomy Bones
by Whats Up Dude
Duration: 2:28
Posted: Apr 20, 2018
Views > 58,000 (when accessed 7/23/20)
cranial bones: frontal bone, parietal bones, temporal bones, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone
facial bones: nasal bones, maxilla bones, zygomatic bones, mandible, lacrimal bones, palatine bones, inferior nasal concha, vomer
ear bones: malleus bones, incus bones, stapes bones
hyoid bone

Skull (cranium) - Overview of the bones of the skull (3D animation)
by Anatomyka
Duration: 3:04
Posted: Jun 7, 2018
Views > 35,000 (when accessed 7/23/20)
Parietal bone, Frontal bone, Occipital bone, Temporal bone, Sphenoid bone, Ethmoid bone, Lacrimal bone, Nasal bone, Vomer, Inferior nasal concha, Zygomatic bone, Palatine bone, Maxilla, Mandible, Hyoid bone,

Skull - anatomy tutorial
by AnatomyTutorials
Duration: 6:27
Posted: Jan 30, 2013
Views > 432,000 (when accessed 7/23/20)
Covers: (cranial bones only - not facial) coronal suture, sagittal suture, frontal bone (squamous part, orbital part), parietal bones, lambdoid suture, squamous suture, temporal bones, (squamous part, petrous part, external auditory opening, mastoid process, part of zygomatic arch), occipital bone (foramen magnum, occipital condyles), sphenoid bone (lesser wings, greater wings), ethmoid bone (sinuses, crista galli, perpendicular plate)

Skull bones, sutures and landmarks
by The Noted Anatomist
Duration: 39:23
Posted: Feb 8, 2020
Views > 14,000 (when accessed 7/23/20)
Anterior Skull: frontal bone, parietal bones, sphenoid bone, temporal bone, zygomatic bone, maxilla bone, nasal bone,mandible, coronal suture, frontal sinus, supraorbital margin, supraorbital notch/foramen, supraorbital fissure, infraorbital fissure, optic canal, (arteries and veins and nerves passing through these 3 openings), nasolacrimal duct, infraorbital foramen, inferior nasal concha, middle nasal concha, nasal septum, mental foramen, mental symphysis, (trigeminal dermatomes)

Lateral skull: frontal bone, parietal bone, sphenoid bone, temporal bone, zygomatic bone, maxilla bone, nasal bone, lacrimal bone, mandible, occipital bone, coronal suture, squamous suture, lambdoid suture, pterion (middle meningeal artery, epidural hematoma), occipital protuberance, petrous part of temporal bone, mastoid process, mastoid air cells, external acoustic meatus, (tympanic membrane), zygomatic arch, zygomatic process (masseter muscle, temporalis muscle), nasolacrimal duct,
ramus of mandible, coronoid process, mandibular condyle, mandibular notch

Posterior skull: parietal bones, occipital bone, temporal bone, lambdoid suture, sagittal suture, external occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line, inferior nuchal line, occipital condyles, mastoid process

Superior skull: frontal bone, parietal bones, occipital bone, coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture

Cranial fossa / internal base of skull: frontal bone, ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone, parietal bones, temporal bones, occipital bone, orbital plate, groove for superior sagittal sinus, cribriform foramina, (olfactory nerves, olfactory bulb), crista galli (falx cerebri of dura), lesser wing of sphenoid, greater wing of sphenoid, anterior clinoid processes, posterior clinoid processes, hypophyseal fossa (pituitary gland), dorsum sellae, sphenoid sinus, maxillary sinus, hard palate, maxillary teeth, optic canal, superior orbital fissure, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, (CN-V), foramen spinosum (middle meningeal artery), foramen lacerum (carotid canal, internal carotid artery), lesser petrosal hiatus (lesser petrosal nerve), greater petrosal hiatus (greater petrosal nerve), internal acoustic meatus (CN VII & VIII) (external, middle, & inner ear), groove for sigmoid sinus, jugular foramen (internal jugular vein, CNIX, X, XI), foramen magnum (spinal cord, vertebral arteries, CN XI), hypoglossal canal (hypoglossal nerve)

Inferior skull: frontal bone, zygomatic bones, maxilla (hard palate), palatine bones, vomer bone, nasal septum, spenoid bone, parietal bones, temporal bones, occipital bone, incisive foramen (incisive nerve, incisive artery, nasopalatine nerve, sphenopalatine artery), greater palatine foramen (greater palatine nerve & artery), lesser palatine foramen (lesser palatine nerve), pterygoid process - medial plate, hamulus, lateral plate (lateral pterygoid muscle, medial pterygoid muscle), mandibular fossa, TMJ, petrotympanic fissure (chorda tympani nerve), foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, foramen lacerum, carotid canal, jugular foramen, styloid process, mastoid process, stylomastoid foramen (facial nerve), foramen magnum, occipital condyles

​Cranial fossae: anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa, posterior cranial fossa (as seen on skull and on xray of skull)

Bones of the Skull: Neurocranium and Viscerocranium - Human Anatomy I Kenhub
by Kenhub - Learn Human Anatomy
Duration: 10:57
Posted: Feb 24, 2020
Views > 7,000 (when accessed 7/23/20)

Skull: neurocranium (brain case) and viscerocranium (support for face)

braincase: frontal bone, ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone, parietal bones, temporal bones, occipital bone 
braincase 2 parts: calvaria/skull cap, cranial base
coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture
anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa, posterior cranial fossa

facial skeleton: nasal bones, lacrimal bones, inferior nasal conchae, maxilla, palatine bones, zygomatic bones, vomer, temperomandibular joint, mandible, orbits, nasal cavity

lateral view of skull: 3 regions: facial, temporal, occipital, 
temporal region: zygomatic arch, temporal fossa, infratemporal fossa
frontal bone, parietal bone, greater wing of sphenoid bone, and squamous part of temporal bone, all meet at the pterion

posterior view of skull: parietal, temporal, occipital bones

inferior view of skull: foramen magnum
anterior part: hard palate, upper jaw
middle part: sphenoid bone, petrous processes of temporal bone, basilar part of occipital bone
lateral parts: zygomatic arches, mandibular fossae, tympanic plates, styloid and mastoid processes
posterior part: occipital bone

foramina: optic canal (optic nerve, opthalmic artery), superior orbital fissure (trochlear, abducens, oculomotor, opthalmic nerves), foramen rotundum (maxillary nerve), foramen ovale (mandibular nerve), carotid canal (internal carotid artery), foramen magnum

Overview of the skeleton
by Anatomyka
Duration: 1:24
Posted: Apr 5, 2018
Views > 3,000 (when accessed 7/23/20)
Axial skeleton: 
skull, vertebral column, thorax: ribs + sternum
Appendicular skeleton:
bones of upper limb, bones of lower limb

Skull Bones Mnemonic (Cranial and Facial Bones) I Anatomy and Physiology
by RegisteredNurseRN
Duration: 7:06
Posted: Jun 22, 2019
Views > 130,000 (when accessed 7/23/20)
cranial bones: parietal bones, temporal bones, frontal bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, occipital bone
facial bones: mandible, vomer, nasal bones, inferior nasal concha, lacrimal bones, palatine bones, zygomatic bones, maxilla
hyoid bone
auditory ossicles: malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), stapes (stirrup)

by SimplyAandP
Duration: 5:28
Posted: Oct 12, 2012
Views > 27,000 (when accessed 7/24/20)
parts of vertebra: body, vertebral arch, pedicle, transverse processes, lamina, spinous process, vertebral foramen, superior and inferior articulating surfaces
atlas, articulation with occipital condyles
axis, dens/odontoid process
cervical vertebra, transverse foramen, bifid spinous process
thoracic vertebra, downward pointing spinous process, surface for articulation with ribs
lumbar vertebra, larger thicker processes
sacrum=5 fused vertebrae, sacral foramina, sacral promentory

Individual Vertebrae with Structures
by Dr. Lotz
Duration: 10:22
Posted: Sep 8, 2017
Views > 71,000 (when accessed 7/24/20)
Covers: atlas, axis, typical cervical vertebra, thoracic vertebra, lumbar vertebra

atlas: surface for articulating with occipital condyles, transverse processes, transverse foramen, posterior tubercle, anterior tubercle, anterior arch, posterior arch, inferior articular facets

axis: dens/odontoid process, atlantoaxial joint, superior articular facets, pedicles, lamina, spinous process, vertebral foramen, transverse process, transverse foramen (vertebral artery passage), body

cervical vertebra: body, uncinate processes, superior articular facets on superior articular processes, lamina, pedicles, vertebral arch, bifid spinous process, transverse process, transverse foramen

thoracic vertebra: body, pedicles, lamina, spinous process (downward), superior articular facets on superior articular processes, transverse processes with smooth articular surface for articulating with rib, inferior articular facet on inferior articular process

lumbar vertebra: large body, pedicles, lamina, spinous process, vertebral arch, vertebral foramen, superior articular facets on superior articular processes, inferior articular facets on inferior articular processes, transverse processes

​how to distinguish cervical vs thoracic vs lumbar vertebra
transverse foramen (cervical only), shape of vertebral foramen (round vs triangular), orientation of superior articular facets, mamillary processes

Human Body Help Website 
Dr Lotz, who is a college professor, has created lots of resources for his students 
which he freely shares with all students here:

You can find additional videos he has made

​You can find lots of labeled photos of bones to help you learn the names of the bones and their parts

Lumbar Spine Anatomy
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 5:31
Posted: Aug 10, 2012
Views > 808,000 (when accessed 7/24/20)
Covers: vertebrae
spinal column-3 curves:
cervical spine (curve)
thoracic spine (curve=kyphosis), 
lumbar spine (curve=lordosis)
lumbar spine L1-L5
sacrumsacroiliac joint
vertebral body, spinal canal
spinal cord extends to L2
cauda equinanerve roots, lumbar nerve distribution, thoracic nerve distribution, cervical nerve distribution
spinal segment=2 vertebra + intervertebral disc + 2 nerve roots + facet joints
intervertebral disc: 
nucleus pulposus + annulus fibrosus
facet joint: synovial joint, articular cartilage
spinal nerve roots pass through neural foramen
lumbar ligaments
lumbar muscles-layers, fascia, tendon

Cervical Spine Anatomy (eOrthopod)
by Randale Sechrest
Duration: 7:12
Posted: Jan 18, 2014
Views > 602,000 (when accessed 7/24/20)
cervical spine-functions
vertebrae form spinal column
C1 (atlas) connects to skull 
C2 (axis) dens fits into hole of C1 for joint that allows head to turn right and left
vertebral parts: vertebral body, pedicles, lamina,
spinous processes, transverse processes, 
transverse foramen, facet joints, articular cartilage, neural foramen, nerve root
spinal canal, spinal cord, nerve roots
ligaments: anterior longitudinal ligament, posterior longitudinal ligament, ligamentum flavum, facet joint capsule ligaments
intervertebral disc: nucleus pulposes + annulus fibrosus
anterior cervical muscles
posterior cervical muscles
spinal segment: 2 vertebrae + intervertebral disc + 2 nerve roots + 2 facet joints

Human Anatomy Video: The Typical Vertebra
by Anatomy made simple by Dr. T
Duration: 7:25
Posted: Sep 16, 2013
Views > 298,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
Covers:  (typical thoracic vertebra)
(excellent close up views of real bones, with great lighting so you can see all the details)

body, pedicle, lamina, vertebral foramen (neural foramen), spinous process, transverse process, superior articular process, inferior articular process,
inferior vertebral notch, superior vertebral notch, intervertebral foramen

Human Anatomy Video: Typical Cervical Vertebra
by Anatomy made simple by Dr. T
Duration: 5:27
Posted: Sep 22, 2013
Views > 53,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
Covers: body, transverse process, lamina, pedicle, vertebral foramen, spinous process
C vertebrae have concave surfaces on the body
(vs flat surfaces of the T vertebrae)
C vertebrae have uncinate processes on the upper surface of the body, have transverse process foramina, have transverse processes oriented more anteriorly than those of T vertebrae, have anterior & posterior tubercles of the transverse process, the spinous process is bifid and has tubercles, superior & inferior articular processes are connected by the articular column

Atypical Cervical Vertebrae - Human anatomy video
by Anatomy made simple by Dr. T
Duration: 12:18
Posted: Sep 29, 2013
Views > 119,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)

C1-Atlas: anterior arch, posterior arch, lateral mass of Atlas, atlantoaxial joint, superior articular process and facet, transverse process, anterior and posterior tubercle of transverse process, transverse process foramen

C2-Axis: dens of C-2 (dens axis), rotation at atlantoaxial joint, articulating surface for dens axis located on C-1 arch, transverse ligament, facet on dens for atlas, facet on dens for transverse ligament, superior articular process and facet, transverse process, transverse process foramen, pedicles, laminae, short bifid spinous process, vertebral foramen

C-7-vertebra prominens: spinous process longer than in other cervical vertebrae and transitioning to shape more similar to T-1 vertebra, other differences also noted

Sternum: location, definition, landmarks (preview) - Human Anatomy I Kenhub
by Kenhub - Learn Human Anatomy
Duration: 3:38
Posted: Aug 13, 2018
Views > 15,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
sternum: manubrium, sternal body, xiphoid process, 

manubrium: suprasternal/jugular notch, clavicular notches, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint
(to watch the rest of the video you have to go to the Kenhub website)

Anatomy of the Sternum - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebrahim
by nabil ebrahim
Duration: 5:16
Posted: Jul 11, 2014
Views > 103,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)

Covers: beware of a few typos in spelling (such as sternocledomastoid vs sternocleidomastoid) and turn off the audio if the music is irritating - there is no audio narration anyway - just written script

sternum: 1) manubrium sterni, 2) body of the sternum, 3) xiphoid process
jugular notch, clavicular notch, first costal notch, second costal notch, sternal angle, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th costal cartilage notches, origin of pectoralis major and sternocleidomastoid muscles, sternoclavicular joint, sternoclavicular ligaments, direct and indirect fractures of the sternum

Ribs (preview) - Types, Locations & Landmarks - Human anatomy I Kenhub
by Kenhub - Learn Human Anatomy
Duration: 3:38
Posted: Jul 31, 2018
Views > 17,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
Covers: ribs, types: true (1-7), false (8-10), floating (11, 12)
head of rib, neck of rib, articular facet of rib tubercle, shaft of the rib

(to watch the rest of the video you have to go to the Kenhub website)

Osteology of the thoracic cage: Ribs and costal cartilages
by Human Anatomy Education
Duration: 12:47
Posted: Sep 13, 2018
Views > 76,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
Covers: costal cartilages, costochondral joint, chondrosternal joints, chondro-chondral joints, ribs 11 & 12 = floating ribs
(1:42) Ribs: usually 12 pairs 
occasionally cervical rib, lumbar rib
true ribs (1-7), false ribs (8-10), floating ribs (11,12)
(3:54) Typical Rib: head, neck, tubercle, body or shaft, superior and inferior border, external and internal surface, angle of rib, articular facets on head (for articulating with costal facet on body of thoracic vertebra), facet on tubercle (for articulating with facet on transverse process of vertebra), costotransverse joint, rough area for lateral costo-transverse ligament, rib angle, costal groove (shelters intercostal vein, artery, nerve in neurovascular bundle), anterior end articulates with cartilage
(8:26) Atypical Ribs: (Ribs 1, 2, 11, 12)
(8:40) First Rib: single facet on head, tubercle of rib coincides with angle, flat with superior and inferior surface, inner and outer border, scalene tubercle, impression for subclavian vein, impression for subclavian artery and lower trunk of brachial plexus
(10:46) Second Rib: tuberosity for serratus anterior muscle
(11:30) 11th and 12th ribs: short ribs, single facet on head, no tubercles, 11 has very shallow costal groove, shallow angle, 12 has no costal groove or angle

sternum: manubrium, body, xiphoid process
suprasternal notch, sternoclavicular joint surface,
cartilages of true ribs 1-7, cartilages of ribs 8-10 (of vertebrochondral ribs), (ribs 11 & 12 are floating)

by sharon simpson
Duration: 1:41
Posted: Oct 16, 2013
Views 498 (when accesed 7/28/20)

What is Scoliosis surgery? 
by Children's Hospital Colorado
Duration: 2:28
Posted: Nov 4, 2015
Views > 383,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
removal of facet joints
insertion of pedicle screws
insertion of metal rod into screw heads
bone graft

Scoliosis - Curvature of the Spine
by OACMorthopedics

Duration: 3:41
Posted: Dec 3, 2012
Views > 675,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
scoliosis definition
healthy spine structure and curves
abnormal side to side curve of scoliosis

progressive nature of condition
effect on breathing, on spinal cord and nerves

causes: malformed vertebrae, unequal leg lengths, fused ribs, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, polio, degenerative changes in spine (due to osteoporosis, and arthritis), unknown cause = idiopathic = most cases of scoliosis

monitoring, back bracing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, custom seating systems, spinal fusion surgery

screening in schools

Lumbar Disc Injuries and Treatment
by Covenant Health
Duration: 4:01
Posted: Jan 28, 2015
Views > 76,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
Covers: spine composed of vertebrae
spinal canal protects spinal cord
spinal nerves exit through neural foramina
lumbar spine
intervertebral disc
disc pressure can increase with positional changes
annulus fibrosus
nucleus pulposus
traumatic injury can compress disc - damaging annulus fibrosus
disc bulge may push on (impinge) spinal nerve, spinal cord, cauda equina
central disc bulges, lateral disc bulges
tears of annulus fibrosus
disc herniation
symptoms of spinal nerve root impingement
treatment: rest, antiinflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, ice or heat, physical therapy, epidural steroid injection, surgery

Herniated Disc - Patient Education
by NuVasiveInc
Duration: 2:24
Posted: Sep 12, 2017
Views > 324,000 (when accessed 7/28/20)
herniated disc leads to pain, 24 vertebrae in spine
intervertebral disc: soft gelatinous center (nucleus pulposus) and tough outer wall (annulus)
disc herniation applies pressure to spinal nerve causing pain
disc may be damaged by wear and tear or disc degeneration, aging causes water loss
other causes: long standing trauma, stress fractures, congenital abnormalities
symtoms, treatments, surgical solutions